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[Jendri 05] - The Abasing of Jendri Page 8

  “Beg,” the Queen gasped.

  “I do beg you, K'Endarra. I live for these moments. Even when you are not coming with me, I wish you pleasure with your other women. Your presence in my bed is the most wonderful gift. Feeling your orgasms is my greatest joy."

  “Feel this!” the Queen roared, as her spasms shook her. “Take it! Take all of it! Feel it with me, slave.” And she bit Jendri's shoulder hard enough to draw blood.

  Battered by her wife's climax, Jendri cried out. She dug her nails into the Queen's ass to feel more, and she writhed in the iron grip of the ruler of almost half the planet. K'Endarra's power was seldom more apparent than when she came, and as Jendri arched and screamed under her wife, she heard yet another cry: V'Anekka, in an outer room, must also have succumbed to K'Endarra's power. Even at that distance, Jendri well knew, it would have taken only the lightest of touches to release the Marquess of Esuria, writhing naked on the marble floor.

  As K'Endarra lay panting atop her wife, Jendri's entire being was suffused with a warm, comforting glow, and she sighed happily. There were more important things than her own orgasms. Feeling K'Endarra's strength and satisfaction topped the list, and only Jendri's need could bring K'Endarra to her bed regularly.

  “My love,” Jendri murmured. “Use me again."

  K'Endarra smiled. “You do not even have to ask."

  * * * *

  Several hours later, the lovers lay talking softly. Jendri was pleasantly sore all over, having been thoroughly plowed by the demanding monarch in every orifice, and having been ridden hard in several different positions. She groaned and kissed K'Endarra's neck.

  “So are you telling me you do not wish to come tonight, my love?” K'Endarra asked.

  “Not exactly. I always wish to come, and that is precisely the point. You enjoy it more when I want it badly. You should control when I come. It does not have to be every week, on the dot."

  “Believe me, I do control it,” K'Endarra said, gripping the Jewel.

  Jendri gasped, then smiled. “I adore you. Of course you do. But our current arrangement gives me too much knowledge, and knowledge is power, power you should have, not I. Moreover, with Sharue coming here to be your slave, you should not be tied to an exact timetable."

  “What would you suggest, then?” K'Endarra wanted to know.

  “Why don't we try this: I am quite comfortable now, so more than a week is easily possible. I suggest once every ten to fourteen days, with you deciding when, where and how. Right now, I know when you come to my bed on the seventh day, I will be permitted to climax. You do not really want me that relaxed, as my tension feeds your pleasure. With a variable schedule, I will have no clue and you can give me release anywhere, even in your bedroom on the floor, so it will always be a mystery to me."

  “Every week is easier to keep track of,” K'Endarra grumbled.

  “I will keep track. Just ask me the number of the day and I will tell you. Then you decide everything else. Asking me does not mean you intend to let me come. It's just for planning purposes."

  “Why would you deny yourself this way?” K'Endarra asked. “I come as much in a week as you do in a year."

  “Darling, Queen Consort or not, I am a slave and a submissive. I need your pleasure to be satisfied. My own is delightful, but I consider it a gift, whereas your pleasure is an absolute right. When you are pleased, I am thrilled, not uncomfortable or resentful. The more you come, the better the quality of my life. I would live with my face in your crotch if I could, but since that isn't feasible, and you need many women, the next best thing is to make sure you get all the pleasure you want, in any form you demand. To feel you come is to die of happiness over and over."

  K'Endarra wiped a tear from her eye. “Oh, Jendri. I don't know what to say. Yes, I am demanding both as a wife and as your lord. And yes, I do enjoy feeling your need for me. But I do not wish to cause you pain. I love to tease you, and your discipline is something we both enjoy. But you should come, because it's simply not healthy to be in permanent need."

  “And I will come, but I will have less control. Remember, K'Endarra, I am Obdurian, and I do not have three interconnected clits with the total mass of a pound! I have a tiny clit compared to yours. I love your clit precisely because it swells large enough to fill my mouth and is sweeter than the plums it reminds me of. My orgasms would not satisfy you, if you could even feel them! And so my need, while intense, is never as intense as yours or V'Anekka's."

  “You do have a point,” K'Endarra agreed. “All right, we will give it a trial period, while Sharue is here, serving as my sex slave. But if at the end of that month you are not comfortable, we will find another system. Clear?"

  “Yes, my lord,” Jendri said, lowering her eyes. “Do you want more pleasure tonight?"

  “Not now, although I would like to enjoy you in the morning. I assume you would enjoy it as well?"

  “Oh, yes, please, darling liege."

  “Good. Lie down under me so that I can sleep in your mouth. If you feel an erection at any time, suck it."

  Jendri shuddered at this demand and quickly got into position. She sighed with contentment and both were soon asleep.

  * * * *

  “You did not come? Why?” V'Anekka demanded when K'Endarra had gone and they were in Jendri's quarters, bathing.

  “Because when I do, I lose that edge and she turns from me. She is still loving and kind, but I can't arouse her enough. I would rather make love more often without coming. As long as I am in need, she remains captivated. After I come, she avoids me for days, only coming with you when I lie at her feet, or in the harem while we are all in the bed with her. When she senses my need building up again, she lies with me to tease me until my seventh day orgasm, and we start over."

  “But now you will not come nearly as much, and you hardly came at all before!” V'Anekka protested.

  “I would rather come infrequently while lying with her often. When she is done with me I feel relaxed and warm and happy, like after a warm bubble bath. I fall asleep instantly. All my tension dissolves as if I had come. And of course, I get to enjoy the buildup, and even the preorgasmic spasms. When I am in great need, that feels wonderful!"

  “But ... you will lose up to half your orgasms this way,” V'Anekka said.

  “On the other hand, I will receive more of hers, and they are far better than mine, I assure you,” Jendri said. “Oh, by the way, when you use me, do not be concerned about my needs. In fact, pleasuring you will keep my need sharp for her, and she will enjoy me even more because of it. Pay attention, and you may begin to enjoy my need as she does."

  V'Anekka shook her head. “I will not."

  “Wait and see."

  * * * *

  K'Endarra the First Magistrate sat alone upon her throne, wearing her burgundy judicial robes, hearing the cases brought before her. Sharue's was last, as planned.

  The bailiff read the charges and soldiers put Sharue on her knees at the foot of the steps. T'Eldorna's testimony was read by an advocate because, as a concubine, she was not seen in public. An exception had to be made for Sharue as the accused.

  K'Endarra looked down at the bound woman. “What do you say in response to these charges?"

  “She is not my lord; you are! I am not bound to obey her!” Sharue spat.

  “The rules of the harem require obedience of the juniors to the seniors or you would not be here,” K'Endarra said. “Do you deny that you were insubordinate? Disobedient? Disruptive?"

  Sharue glowered. “I belong to you alone."

  “I'll take that as a ‘no.’ Your offenses are the most severe ever recorded by a concubine and they are boringly repetitious. To teach you how to behave, I sentence you to four weeks in slavery, one for each count. Guards!"

  “No!” Sharue shrieked. “I am a concubine, not a criminal!"

  “Make that five weeks, for disrespect to me,” K'Endarra amended with a smile so evil it made Jendri and V'Anekka quake where they stood.

/>   “I won't do it! Send me home! I am a freewoman!” Sharue bellowed as the soldiers dragged her out.

  “Six,” said K'Endarra, and she brought the gavel down.

  That ended the session of Household Court, and all rose and bowed as K'Endarra swept from the room, followed by her very concerned wives, lesser magistrates, lawyers, pages, clerks and soldiers. If K'Endarra's anger boiled over, the wives and slaves were most likely to feel it. All the others could escape.

  They needn't have worried. K'Endarra seemed to have been energized by disposing of Sharue, and she was in high spirits. “Let's go for a ride!"

  Her wives raced to valet her and change their own outfits, leaving a mess for the servants. They ran down to the stables to choose mounts and were soon racing over the lush green hills of central Asperia.

  K'Endarra, in the lead, slowed them after they topped a rise, and looked back. “This will do! Halt!” she cried, raising her hand, and the others slowed and cantered their horses to meet her.

  “What do you see?” K'Endarra asked them.

  They looked around. “Hills, the countryside,” V'Anekka offered.

  “Trees, birds, and us, of course,” Jendri added.

  “The castle? Other people?” K'Endarra asked.

  “Well, no, they are out of sight,” V'Anekka observed.

  “Correct. Dismount,” K'Endarra ordered. “Give me your reins and remove your clothes.” She couldn't help grinning with anticipation.

  Without a word of protest, both wives obeyed.

  “Now load your clothing up on your saddles, and tether your horses here so they can graze,” K'Endarra said, looking down at them.

  Again, there was instant compliance, although Jendri and V'Anekka did exchange looks. K'Endarra was surely going to use them, but how?

  “Each of you take one of my stirrups. Walk with me."

  Slowly K'Endarra led her stumbling, naked and barefoot wives into a line of trees beside a stream. Jendri reached up and stroked the Queen's boot and K'Endarra smiled. “Yes, you may give me pleasure, my love. Soon."

  On the bank of the stream, K'Endarra halted and jumped down, bringing her wives to their knees. “Jendri, tether Massinia. V'Anekka, spread a blanket."

  While her wives obeyed, K'Endarra opened her pants. “On your backs, side by side on the blanket."

  The consorts lay down and spread their legs before her. K'Endarra adjusted them, tapping their ankles with her boot until she had them spread as wide as she desired. She slid the handle of her riding crop into Jendri's canal, which made her groan and arch, and she slid the grip of her dagger into V'Anekka, making her gasp and swallow hard. Then she dropped to her knees, sat on Jendri's chest and pulled her face up into her cleft, holding her there. Jendri instantly grasped K'Endarra's backside to improve their contact, and writhing frantically, she sucked the demanding clit of her lordly wife.

  As Jendri worked, K'Endarra locked eyes with V'Anekka and smiled. “Isn't she lovely?” she said to her second consort.

  “Yes, she is wonderful! Please, may I stroke your boots?” V'Anekka begged in a strangled tone.

  “By all means,” K'Endarra agreed. V'Anekka moved down so that she could rub her breasts against K'Endarra's high brown boot, caressing, kissing and licking it as well. When K'Endarra felt that, she shuddered. She loved having her boots stroked, especially if she was in the act of love with another woman at the time.

  Rocking on Jendri's face, K'Endarra threw her head back and moaned long and loud as her orgasm built up inside her. She placed Jendri's hands over the swellings next to her ovaries, where her secondary clitoria were, and held them there. “Press hard! Hard!” she ordered, and Jendri obeyed.

  “V'Anekka, pull that crop out of Jendri's cunt and hand it to me. I need it!"

  Under her, Jendri shrieked in anguish as the riding crop was withdrawn, and she humped air, her tongue working K'Endarra madly.

  K'Endarra grasped the crop, and making sure to avoid V'Anekka on her left boot, she whipped Jendri's thighs from the right, like a jockey on a racehorse.

  Jendri bucked under her lord and drew all of the enormous clit into her mouth, gently touching her teeth to the slight cleft down the middle of it. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” she screamed, although her cries were muffled.

  K'Endarra dropped the crop and clutched at Jendri's head. She thrust hard into her Consort's mouth and came forcefully, drenching her wife and her own pants with the flow of lubricants.

  Jendri thought she might drown as she struggled to swallow every drop of K'Endarra's honey. She moaned and slurped, trying to keep up. Then K'Endarra pulled back, leaned down and kissed her gently. “I love you, darling wife,” she panted, grinning. “Change places with V'Anekka."

  As soon as the Second Consort was on her back, K'Endarra mounted her, humping furiously. Jendri pressed her nipples to K'Endarra's boots and french-kissed the leather, crying out with K'Endarra as she rode. It did not take long for the monarch to achieve a second wild climax, so explosive that rivulets ran between V'Anekka's breasts to wet the blanket.

  K'Endarra ground into her second wife until she was satisfied, and then withdrew slightly, although she did not dismount her lover's body. “Jendri, suck V'Anekka. Take her come like a good girl."

  “Yes, my lord,” Jendri said, slipping under V'Anekka's hips, careful to gently remove the dagger, drawing another gasp. She embraced her lord's other wife and enthusiastically did her duty, allowing K'Endarra to experience ecstasy while pinned under K'Endarra and looking up helplessly, longingly into her eyes.

  V'Anekka, too, was ambrosia to Jendri. A slightly sweeter taste, a slightly more rounded clit. Jendri explored eagerly, working V'Anekka to great arousal and then feeling her release into her mouth. All three women moaned and K'Endarra, aroused again by V'Anekka's climax, enjoyed another orgasm between her gasping lips even as V'Anekka came in Jendri's.

  Finally the Queen rolled away to lie beside K'Endarra. “Clean us, Jendri. Clean everything. I believe there is come on my boots. Make sure you get that."

  Jendri did as she was told, licking K'Endarra's crotch and thighs as far as the opening in her pants allowed, and V'Anekka's body from the balls of her feet to her throat. The lovely Marquess turned over to give Jendri access to her ass and the backs of her thighs, where she had come all over herself. “Mmmm, very nice,” she purred. “Thank you, Jendri."

  “Thank you for giving me your orgasm,” Jendri said sincerely, and V'Anekka smiled.

  Finally, Jendri licked the delicious come from K'Endarra's boots. She was burning with need for both women, any touch from either of them, but it was not to be had. When Jendri's was done cleaning the other royal woman, she resumed a kneeling position at the foot of the blanket with her head bowed.

  K'Endarra considered her. “You have not forgotten a thing from your days as a sex-slave, Jendri. An excellent job, but there is always more you can do. For a start, go back to the meadow and bring V'Anekka's horse here. Only hers, not yours. And walk her back, don't ride and get pussy juice all over her saddle."

  “I understand, my lord,” Jendri said respectfully. She rose and bowed and went to do her wife's bidding. When she returned, the other women were kissing lazily in the shade of the trees.

  “Bring us some water, Jendri. And give me those reins so you can dress V'Anekka."

  V'Anekka watched Jendri affectionately as the other Consort clothed her efficiently from head to toe. “You have a very deft touch, Jendri. Thank you."

  “You are most welcome, Ma'am,” Jendri said humbly, and again she waited.

  K'Endarra handed the canteen back to her slave-wife and said, “I know you may be feeling a bit neglected, my darling. Let me take care of that. V'Anekka, I need your assistance. Take Jendri over there to that big rock, bend her over it and hold her down."

  Jendri went willingly and assumed the position, which meant looking directly into V'Anekka eyes as the other woman held her hands.

  “Be brave,” V'Anekka whispered as K'Enda
rra turned her back to pick up the crop.

  “Thank me, Jendri, and count,” said K'Endarra, and the crop whistled.

  “Uh! One, my lord, thank you!” Jendri cried out. “Two, my lord. Thank you! Ah, yes, K'Endarra!"

  V'Anekka watched Jendri's eyes as she received her discipline. They were lidded, as they were when she made love, and despite her yelps, Jendri's face was serene. She pushed back slightly from the rock to give K'Endarra a better target, and was rewarded, ultimately, with two dozen of the Queen's best. She squealed excitedly as K'Endarra lashed her, moaning more from happiness than discomfort.

  “Come see my handiwork, V'Anekka,” K'Endarra invited.

  “My gods, they are perfect crosshatches! They are so accurate, they could be painted on!” the Second Consort exclaimed as they examined the panting Queen Consort's reddened backside.

  “I agree, and I am not done yet. I have not paid enough attention to Jendri's sex. Turn her over."

  V'Anekka turned Jendri so that her freshly-beaten backside was pressed against the rock. Jendri groaned but did not complain.

  “Spread her legs wide, V'Anekka, and restrain her arms. Watch out."

  K'Endarra stepped closer so that she would not miss. The whip cracked and the tip snapped into the Jewel.

  “K'Endarra! My lord!” Jendri shrieked. “My Queen! My ruler!"

  “Absolutely,” K'Endarra agreed, and the lash sang out again. Without hitting the insides of her wife's thighs, the Queen drove the Jewel into her sex six times. When she realized Jendri was writhing in anything but agony, she gave her six more, then nodded to V'Anekka to release her. Jendri sank to the ground at the Queen's feet, moaning.

  K'Endarra raised Jendri's chin with the crop handle. “Happy?"

  “Oh, K'Endarra! Yes!"

  “Good. Lie down.” K'Endarra had not closed the opening in her pants, so it was easy for Jendri to serve her again. When the Queen was finished, she got off her Consort and called V'Anekka to bring more water. “Make sure you do not get dehydrated, Jendri. You have been used hard, and we have to take good care of you."